Overtraining syndrome

Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)

-Result of too little recovery Hallmark Signs of OTS -Inability to sustain intense exercise - Inability to sustain intense exercise - Inability to recover from exercise OTS Symptoms When Training: -Tired (lethargic) -Flat -Stale -Elevated resting heart rate -No motivation

 Most athletes experience the mood deterioration ob- served without impairment in sport performance (in fact most of these athletes show improved performance at the end of the season). However, since in order to reach the goal of improved performance the athlete has to reach his/her limits of physical capacity (or even slightly beyond), and since the balance between desirable and excessive training is quite tenuous,103,104 the second condition, ie, excessive training (or insufficient rest), is not a rare event. In this case, the athlete starts to present more evident problems such as sleep disturbance, loss of weight and appetite, reduced li- bido, irritability, heavy and painful musculature, emotional lability, and even depression.85,101,105,106 The incidence of this condition among athletes is estimated to be 7% to 20% per training season,85,107,108 and this prevalence is believed to be even higher in the case of endurance sports109 and among elite athletes due to their extensive training program. Morgan and collaborators,110,111 for example, found a preva- lence higher than 60% along the career of elite runners and of 38% among lower-level runners. The incidence of milder, or initial forms of the condition was estimated to be ap- proximately 30% per training season in studies conducted on university swimmers.108 The condition described above has received different denominations such as overtraining,105 staleness,85 overstress, overuse, burnout,101 overwork, overfatigue, overstrain,103 chronic fatigue in athletes,112 sport fatigue syndrome, unexplained underperformance syndrome,106 etc. The milder or supposedly initial form of the condition has been called overreaching102 or distress.108 Overtraining syn- drome was the first and continues to be the most widely used denomination. The diagnosis of overtraining syndrome should be con- sidered when the athlete shows a decline in sport perform- ance following or during a period of intense training that does not improve with short-term rest (1 or 2 weeks), ac- companied by persistent fatigue, reduced ability to perform intense training, sensation of sensitive or painful muscula- ture, sleep disturbances, reduced libido and appetite, and mood changes such as apathy, irritability and depres- sion,85,101,105,106 ie, a picture similar to depressive disor- der.35,53,85,101,103 In addition to these manifestations, many physiologi- cal alterations have been described; however, none of them has thus far provided a reliable single diagnostic test.104,113 Among these alterations are a reduced maximum heart rate,114-117 altered lactate measurements such as lactate con- centration at maximum performance or lactate thresh- old,114,115 neuroendocrine alterations such as reduced noc- 3238.pmd 64 11/2/2005, 15:25 65 CLINICS 60(1):61-70, 2005 Physical activity and mental health Peluso MAM et al. turnal norepinephrine excretion114,118 and changes in the tes- tosterone/cortisol ratio,113 immunological alterations109 lead- ing to infections of the upper airways,119 and changes in serum markers such as creatine kinase and urea,120 etc. How- ever, even this large number of biological markers has not yet led to a better understanding of the etiology and physi- ology of overtraining syndrome.103,104 The similarity between the signs and symptoms of overtraining syndrome and depressive disorder,121 in addi- tion to the importance of the presence of mood changes for diagnosis,85,101 led Eichner122 to suggest that overtraining syndrome is “a depression with a new face”. In this respect, Armstrong and VanHeest103 more recently proposed that both syndromes have the same etiology and suggested the use of antidepressive drugs for treatment. However, this hy- pothesis is contradicted by the fact that some studies have shown a similar prevalence for the two sexes.110,111

Overtraining the body without getting some margin to rest can influence competitors and exercisers both genuinely and intellectually and lead to a condition known as an overtraining disorder. Unnecessary preparation might cause diminishes in athletic execution that can be dependable, some of the time requiring a little while or months to improve.1

The mental impacts of overtraining can likewise prompt ominous changes in mood.2 Some examination has connected overtraining disorder with expanded side effects of anxiety3 and depression.4 Get familiar with the indications of overtraining and figure out how you might scale back to stay away from injury or burnout.

What Is Overtraining Disorder?

The overtraining disorder is a condition where you feel outrageous weakness, diminished execution, temperament changes, rest unsettling influences, and different issues because of working out or preparing excessively or excessively hard without giving the body sufficient opportunity to rest. If you don't oversee overtraining, you can wind up with wounds and more successive ailments and contaminations. Overtraining is normal among world-class competitors who train past their body's capacity to recuperate, especially while planning for a contest or game.

Competitors frequently practice longer and harder than the typical individual to arrive at maximized operation in their game. Yet, without sufficient rest and recuperation, these preparation regimens can blow up and begin to diminish physical performance.5

Molding for competitors and exercisers the same requires harmony between work and recuperation. A lot of over-burden or potentially too little recuperation can bring about both physical and mental side effects of overtraining and lead to overtraining syndrome.6 Legitimate hydration and sustenance are likewise fundamental for execution, recuperation, and counteraction.

Indications of Overtraining

There are a few signs to pay special attention to that might propose you may be
overtraining. The absolute most normal side effects of overtraining disorder include:78

Diminished craving or weight reduction
Feeling discouraged, restless, surly, or bad-tempered
Expanded occurrence of wounds or migraines
Sleep deprivation
Sporadic pulse or heart mood
Absence of energy, feeling cleaned out, tired, or depleted
Loss of energy for the game, or diminished intensity
Lower insusceptibility (expanded number of colds, and sore throats)
Gentle muscle or joint touchiness, general a throbbing painfulness
Decreased preparing limit, force, or execution
Regenerative issues
Inconvenience concentrating
Instructions to Forestall Overtraining
It very well may be interesting to anticipate whether you're in danger of overtraining because each individual answers contrastingly to different preparation schedules. It is significant for anybody, nonetheless, to differ their preparation consistently and plan satisfactory time for rest.9 It's suggested that you unbiasedly measure your preparation routine and make changes en route before you end up harmed.

While there are numerous strategies to dispassionately test for overtraining, the mental signs and side effects related to changes in a competitor's psychological state are many times a marker. Assuming you figure you might be preparing excessively hard, attempt the accompanying strategies to forestall overtraining conditions.

Notice Your Temperament
Diminished good affections for sports and expanded pessimistic sentiments, like discouragement, outrage, weariness, and peevishness frequently show up following a couple of long stretches of serious overtraining.10 Once you begin to see these sentiments, get some margin to rest or tone down the power.

Keep a Preparation Log

A preparation log that incorporates a note about how you feel every day can assist you with seeing lower drifts and diminished enthusiasm.9 It's vital to pay attention to your body signals and rest when you feel particularly exhausted.

Screen Your Pulse
Another choice is to follow changes to your pulse over the long haul. Screen your pulse very still and explicit activity forces while you train, and make a note of it. On the off chance that your pulse increments very still or is given power, you might be in danger of overtraining condition, particularly assuming that any of the above side effects begin to create.
Take a Pulse Test
You can likewise test your recuperation with the orthostatic pulse test.12 This includes resting for 10 minutes, recording your pulse briefly, standing up, and afterward taking note of your beats each moment at different stretches (15 seconds, 90 seconds, and 120 seconds.

Very much refreshed competitors will show a predictable pulse between estimations, yet competitors nearly overtraining frequently have an undeniable increment (10 beats each moment or more) at the 120-second measurement.12

Treatment for Overtraining
Contingent upon the seriousness of your side effects, there are multiple ways you can treat overtraining disorder normally. Assuming that you suspect you might be overtraining, think about the accompanying choices. If you notice no upgrades in something like a few days or your side effects become more terrible, call your primary care physician.

Rest and recuperation: Decrease or stop the activity and permit yourself a couple of days off rest. Research on overtraining conditions shows that getting satisfactory rest is the essential treatment plan.9
Hydration: Drink a lot of liquids. Remaining appropriately hydrated is critical to both recuperation and prevention.6
Sports nourishment: Ensure you're getting sufficient protein and sugars to help muscle recuperation. Carbs are significant for perseverance competitors and protein is significant for competitors depending on strong strength and power.13
Broadly educating: Overtrained competitors and exercisers experience weariness in exhausted muscle gatherings. Broadly educating with low-influence practices like yoga, Pilates, strolling, or riding an exercise bike can offer the exhausted muscles a reprieve while as yet keeping a degree of wellness.
Sports rub: Exploration shows that sports rub is valuable for muscle recuperation and can further develop deferred beginning muscle touchiness (DOMS).14
Unwinding procedures: Stress-decrease strategies like profound breathing and moderate muscle unwinding (PMR) activities can help with rest and recuperation.

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